Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week Two

Yay! So far for July I've lost 9 lbs! That's a lot!!! I've also kept up with everything else - reading, praying, vitamins, fiber, balancing cream, exercising and eating right. And I'm trying really hard to stay on top of my Arbonne business. I'm feeling a little spread thin, but in a good way - not the burn out way.

And I've even sent Sunayana the sweater for Kai.
Now I'm working on an iphone case before I start another sweater. Lots of progress!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Week One

This week has actually been sooooo productive! I finished Kai's sweater, but now I have to find the perfect buttons. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have time to do that and then I'll post pictures. I've made a soap sock for my neighbor little Miss Mirium. Now I've got to start something else, or maybe drag out a ufo to work on.

And I've been really good with my 40 days of purpose. I missed exercising (and I use the term very loosely) one day and missed my PM vitamin one day. Not too bad. I've lost 6 lbs. I know... that just can't be right, can it? That means I've lost 6.8 lbs so far for July! Holy crap! I know it's just 'water weight' blah blah blah, but that number makes me pretty darn excited. And that means I'm now less than 10 lbs to my first goal (9.2 to be exact). Pedicure, here I come!

Now onto the more serious... in the first week we've learned that it's not about us, it's all about Him, we are not an accident, He should be the driving force in our lives, this life is not all there is, life is a test and a trust and temporary, and that there's a reason for everything - pretty good stuff. I think sometimes I need to be reminded, particularly of the "life is a test" piece. Am I doing the best that I can with what I have? Am I making the right choices? How can I make better choices? I think right now I'm in the midst of a test from God. It's a big one and one that is very difficult for me. It's been going on for a while and sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and say "whatever" and do what I want to do. I know deep down that's not the right decision. I know that there is a lesson to be learned and that basically I've been stupid and not getting it. Ok, I'm the slow kid in class. But I'm hoping now that I'm starting to get it that this test and the point of this lesson will stick with me forever. I'd hate to have to go through this test again!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

40 Days of Purpose/Getting my Life Together

The last few weeks have felt out of control to me. Friends have passed away, friends have gotten cancer, relationships have ended, I've gained weight, stopped going by our budget, been exhausted and lost touch with Christ. I've been reacting rather than creating. It's amazing how much can change in a few short weeks.

This past weekend was just what I needed - 3 days camping at the beach. It was a great break between life then and life now. Our small group met last night and we're starting a study on The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I read this book a few years ago, but really didn't take the time necessary to reflect on it. This study comes at the perfect time for me to reconnect with Christ and take back my life.

So for the next 40 days, I've come up with my plan to take back my life. (Yes, I know these are heavily focused on my physical being, but I think the only way I'm going to feel better emotionally and spiritually is if I'm taking care of this body that God gave me.)

Daily I'm going to....
  1. Read and Reflect
  2. Pray
  3. Take my vitamins
  4. Take my fiber
  5. Use my balancing cream
  6. Exercise
  7. Follow my nutritionist's eating plan
I pray I can do this for 40 days - I know that it's worth it and that at the end of these 40 days I will be in a much better place in my life!