Friday, August 17, 2007

Knitting Slacker

Yep - I'm a knitting slacker. It's summer in Maine and I haven't really knitted in ages. So this week I decided I needed to go through my stash and organized it. I even pulled out the yarn I'd never use and gave it away. Now I'm down to 3 half-finished projects and 4 file boxes of yarn. I'm so impressed with myself. And just when I thought I had it under control... I had to pick up some yarn for the sleeves on Kyle's sweater and ended up getting 4 skeins to use later on baby projects. At least I'm prepared!

I'm also trying to commit to using my blog more regularly. I've found that I read a ton of blogs (see my ridiculous 'Favs' list), so I might as well start writing! And I'll post some of my favorite podcast sites soon... I'm such a dork. In fact today I was standing waiting for the shuttle listening to a knitting podcast and laughing and getting dirty looks from the homeless guy who sleeps on the vent.

Peace... knit on!

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