Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween! I love watching scary movies, I love being scared, and I love dressing up in ridiculous costumes! This year I'm exhausted from traveling and work, but we did take the time to carve pumpkins....

Then the boys got dressed up to go trick-or-treating....

It was a lot of fun!
In knitting news, I knit another pair of fetching, this time for myself. They're one cable short since I was using left over yarn from the other two I knit. I still love them!

And next year I'm totally making some of these projects.... skull hats, pumpkin, morticia's washcloth, or the pirate hat. So much knitting, so little time!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where does the time go?

I can't believe it's almost Halloween! We've been so busy here - the boys have school and sports, I have work, the boys, knitting and friends, and my husband has been consistently working late on a project the last few weeks. Where did the time go? Soon it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then hopefully some downtime.
We hosted a wonderful Halloween party this past weekend for some kids in Kyle's class as well as the neighbors. It was a blast, but I'm still exhausted from it. And I'm traveling up north for work this week. I'm a little ball of stress with all these activities and lack of sleep.

I've been knitting like crazy! I knit hats for the boys and the neighbors - 6 hats in all!
Two Christmas presents down... way too many to go. I finished these 'fetchings' for my SIL, and did another pair in green for another SIL.
I think I want a pair of fetching as well, but I'm going to use the leftovers from the two pair I knit for the SILs. And I've got a little yarn left over from the liesel, so if I need it I can use that as well - should be pretty!
Happy Halloween!